Letter : From-as secretary asking to let use school hail for function

Business Letter
As secretary to a Youth Club, Letter to the heading master/headmistress of the local school, asking him/her to let you use his/her school hail for a stated function.
Youth Club,
March 31, 2014
The Headmaster,
Dear Sir,
I have been directed to approach you for permission to use your hail for holding a food-and-fun-fair in aid of our building-fund, during the forthcoming school holidays.
The fair is scheduled to be held form 10a.m. to 10 p.m. on the 11th of August, but as we have not yet made any announcement concerning the date. We can easily hold it on some other day suggested by you, before or after the 11th, should you yourself need the hail then, or should you have already lent it to some other organization.
I further seek your permission to make use of at least 200 of your desks for arranging the various stalls.
We undertake to remove the furniture and other equipment in the hail, to any other place, specified by you, in the school, for the duration of the fair and to rearrange it in the hail after the fair is over. Likewise all the desks removed from the classrooms will be duly returned to their respective rooms and rearranged there. My committee is willing to donate, to your building-fund. 5% of the gross income from the fair, less entertainment tax, if any. But should you like to quote some fixed sum for the use of the hail, the committee will consider your quotation, too.
Please intimate your approval at an early date.
Yours faithfully,
Hamzah bin Zain,

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