Work Simplification

Industrial management - Work Simplification

Work Simplification

Points : Defination,
Work Simplification
Any production system is characterized by the coordination of machines and equipments, materials and men Rapid change in technology and introduction of new technologies are making the processes and methods morn complex. Human factor has become all the more important though automation and computer controls are catching up. The process management is key to the success of the product and company. Method study aims to identify the key processes and process parameters. A detailed investigation is carried out to get all the necessary details in order to analyze the existing process and break the process into parts (operations) which helps to plan and control. A detailed analysis with respect to process inputs (men, material, money) and also the process parameters is carried out to improve the process and to get the desired level of output both in terms of quality and quantity.

The work simplification starts with the’ analysis of the product and a detailed evaluation with regards to whether it can be changed in such a way as to make it easier to produce by reducing the waste, eliminating non-value adding operations, design modification, etc. Thus work-study is a powerful tool to make work simplification.

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