English Essay on Good Manners

Good Manners

English Essay on "Good Manners"

Manners have a deep effect on our minds. As bad manners produce bad results in society, good manners produce good results. Good manners are unconsciously acquired in our childhood, but they can also be cultivated later on. Every human being should be treated with due respect and dignity. The animal instinct in us makes us rough and vulgar, but a cultured and civilized man is gentle and polite. I By good manners we understand the way in which a person should behave in society. One is expected to show respect ones elders.educationsight.blogspot.com Good manners are necessary for everyone, in every walk of life. It is good manners to thank anybody who does anything for you. When a waiter brings you a glass of water, you may thank him. Good manners not only show our breeding but also our education, culture, our station in life and our intellectual level.

It is rightly said, “Manners maketh man.TM It means that only a person who has good manners is fit to be called a gentleman or a lady. Good manners are a key to success in business. They are useful in forming new friendships arid retaining old ones.

Above all, they make us happy because we make others happy with our good manners. We can win over even our enemies by our good manners. On other hand, we can turn some of our good friends into enemies by our ill manners. Nobody likes an ill-mannered person.

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