English Essay on Science and its Blessing

Science and its Blessing

English Essay on "Science and its Blessing"

We live in the age of science. Science has provided means of communication. It has advanced agriculture and introduced new concept in industrialization. We owe a lot to science in diminishing distances. New scientific inventions hove revolutionized human life. The progress of science has led to many inventions such as those of steam engine, electricity, etc. Electricity has brought wonders in our daily life. Big mills, manufacturing different goods are established with the help of science. We get cloth, iron goods, sugar, jute-bags, etc. from these mills. Steamers, railways, motor-cars arid aero planes have made travelling easy and speedy. They have made the trade flung for and wide.

The inventions of telephone, telegraph, radio and wireless have made this wide world very small. With their help you can hear a message from any part of the world within a very short time. Photography, television, gramophone, etc. have proved instructive as well as entertaining.educationsight.blogspot.com Science has made our life easy and comfortable. We have best means of transport and communications.

We have cars, buses, motorcycles, aero planes, ships, etc. for travelling. Medical science has made rapid strides. It has brought under its thumb many diseases. Plague, cholera, influenza, small-pox and such other epidemics have been successfully checked, inventions of X-ray, radium, penicillin, etc. have helped us a lot in diagnosing and curing various diseases.

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