Story on Pride Goes to Fall

Pride Goes to Fall

Short Story on "Pride Goes to Fall"

Once there lived a rich merchant. He was so proud of his riches that he used to maltreat poors. One day, one of his servants was cleaning his bed room. While changing his bed sheet, he lay down in his cosy bed to see how it felt to lie in a snug cot. He felt so comfortable that he slept there soundly. The rich man happened to come into his bed room and saw his servant, clad in his dirty clothes, sleeping in his bed. He awoke him and said to him in a rage, “How dared, you rascal to sleep in my bed !“ He then got him beaten black and blue and dismissed him.

As misfortune may have it, one day a fire broke in his shop and burnt everything. Another day an earth quack smashed his mansion killing his wife and Sons and rendering him a disabled A pauper and a crippled man as he was rendered, he began to beg for alms to subsist himself. One day the servant whom he had given severe thrashings saw him begging in the Street. He took him home and told him respect fully, “Sir, you need not beg hence. I shall look after you needs as you had, once, been my master.” The merchant was so ashamed that he could not even thank his benefactor.

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