My Idea of a Great Man - English Essay

My Idea of a Great Man

English Essay on "My Idea of a Great Man"

The domain is now peopled by author than 400 crores of men and women. But they are not all uppercase. Only a few of them are so. It is thusly observable that there are many especial qualities which these few possess piece the added do not. Greatness does not exist in physiologic or personnel capability. Nor does it exist in the possession of vast riches. Alexanders of Macedon was a extraordinary victor. But nobody calls him a grout man. Chenghez Khan. Taimur Lung. Hardship Shah, Hitlor all of them were terrors to the mankind. But none cares to greeting them as eager man. King was the richest man in the reality and Midas had infinite yellowness. But they had never been burnt as major. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) Hebrew Saviour and Gautam Siddhartha were neither conquerors equivalent Alexandar or Taimur Lung nor opulent like Have or Midas. Still they are remembered with the profoundest esteem as outstanding men. What, then, were the qualities that they controlled that made them eager?

A major man is no doubtfulness, a superior. But he conquers not the body but the bravery. This he does by his pair for the creatures of God, specially men. He makes no discrimination between man and man. In separate language, all men as equalised to He feels for the ignorance and misery of man and takes up himself the task of relieving of all these. For this he foregoes all considerations for himself and devotes himself to the well-being of the manlike boringness at ample.

He is extraordinarily states manly and mostly thinks and book right. As a earthborn being he is not completely unloosen from errors. But the errors committed by him are but a few. He may be regarded as most perfect in all his utterances and actions. He is selfless. He has hence, no fee for his personal tending and richness. He eats whatsoever he gets and dresses himself only and leads a very naive time.

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