The Greatest Invention - The Wheel - English Essay

The Greatest Invention - The Wheel

English Essay on "The Greatest Invention - The Wheel"

Man has invented many wonderful things. He has conquered the forces of nature with the help of his inventions, It is almost impossible w count all these things. They include the tiny match stick as well as the giant artificial satellites. But the greatest of all inventions is the wheel. This may sound strange. A wheel appears to be an insignificant thing. But the wheel is really the greatest invention. It is the basic invention. It has made possible many other inventions, if you look at the wonderful things around you, you will find that a wheel is a part of them. Machines which produce electricity work with the help of wheels. educationsight.blogspot.comThe means of transport the railway train, the motor car, the ship and the aero plane—cannot move without wheels. The machines that make things for our use have many wheels in them. The watch which we have on our wrist cannot work without small wheels in it.

The wheel is an original work of man’s intellect. Fire was a discovery. Raising food crops was learned from nature. But the which was the product of mm’s own brain. It is difficult to find out when the first wheel was made. But some twelve thousand years ago, people used wheels in carts etc.

Before the invention of the wheel, man used wheel less carts for the transport of goods. But it was a very hard work. Then someone made round logs of wood and put them under the cart. After much experimentation which might have taken hundreds of years, the first crude wheel was developed. Such a crude wheel was dug out from a place near Sahiwal. It is believed to be eight thousand years old. Such crude wheels were gradually improved’ in the course of thousands of years. At last better wheels, like the wheels of our carts, were made. And for thousands of years these wheels served man’s carts and chariots in war and peace. They serve him even today.

But the search for better wheels continued. In the last two centuries, dominated by the progress of science, countless types of wheels have been invented for countless purposes. The first wheel was made of wood. Now steel, rubber and synthetics materials like nylon have taken the place of wood. A had been mentioned earlier the wheel now is not only the basic part of motor cars and aero planes, but also of thousands of other machines. It is indeed, the greatest invention.

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