Travelling and Education - English Essay

Travelling and Education

English Essay on "Travelling and Education" - Composition on "Travelling and Education"

Education is the acquisition of knowledge and experience, and travelling is one of the best ways of discovering new things and receiving new impressions. The educational value of travelling has been recognized in every society. In the ancient times the travelers who went to far off and unknown lands were the people who extended the Ira filets of knowledge.

Travelling as a means of education has many important advantages. In the first place, it combines study and pleasure. Our world is a vast and beautiful place and it is inhabited by different nations and races. It is through travelling that on gains intimate understanding of the vast world of men. It gives one an insight into the nature of The costumes may differ, the languages may vary, but the man is the same everywhere. Today when the world is heading towards an atomic war, we need this understanding and insight more than ever.

Book, no doubt, brings us the knowledge of the East and the West, but they do not satisfy all the senses of man. A whole book about raj Mahal will not gratify and fascinate the mind as a single hour spent in that enhancing miracle of architecture will.

Travelling not only brings knowledge but also plays an important part in building up one’s character. A man who leaves his city or country and travels in oilier lands has to depend on his own resources. He meets new situations every day and faces new problems. His mind is receptive and his senses sharp and alert: and nothing escapes his notice. He his own adviser and his own master. This gives him self reliance and self-confidence. The knowledge, the experience we acquire through travelling is personal and first-hand. It becomes a permanent part of ourselves, It cannot b lost; it cannot be forgotten.

In our age, the means of communication have made travelling easy, comfortable and pleasant. Students should be encouraged to travel, at least, in their own country. This will create a sense of unity among the people of various regions. They will come to know and love their land.

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