Honesty - English Essay


English Essay on "Honesty" - Composition on "Honesty"

Honesty may or may not be the best policy in a corrupt society but certainly t is the basis of a virtuous life. Honesty means truthfulness in thought, speech and action. Unfortunately, many people think that the most important thing in life is to succeed. They want to get rich and rise to the top as quickly as possible. They do not object to unfair means, if these prove helpful in the achievement of their ambition. Thus dishonesty and deceit have acquire great attraction, because they appear very successful, at least for sometime still we believe that dishonesty is a bad thing. We preach honesty to others but disregard it when it puts limits on our own freedom of action.

Of course it is very difficult to be honest in a dishonest society. It puts you in a position of definite disadvantage.educationsight.blogspot.com You may not be able to become rich by honest means, while others will misfortunes by dishonesty and deceit and fraud. Still, there is no doubt that dishonesty is a very dangerous is that destroys the best virtues of an individual as well as a society.

All the social evils, political ills and personal wrongs are the results of dishonesty. They people who live and succeed by dishonest means, cannot select honest and sincere leaders. The people, who gain power through dishonest means, rule by bribe, nepotism and terror. Thus the whole society is corrupted.

Success is a good thing only when attained by honest and fair means, otherwise it is a plague that destroys whatever comes into contact with it. A dishonest person cannot be trusted. For him, selfishness is the supreme virtue. He is capable of doing anything to get what he wants. For him, nothing is sacred. If he can deceive individual for a few coins, he can also betray his -nation for a little higher price.

In fact, a dishonest man is incapable of doing well to anybody. He is a disease: mm and a dangerous man. If he thinks that he is indulging in dishonesty for the sake of his children, he is mi taken. He is, in fact, not doing any good to them he is destroying their moral fiber and perverting their mind.

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