Need For Disarmament - English Essay

Need For Disarmament

English Essay on "Need For Disarmament" - Compositions on "Need For Disarmament"

We are living in a dangerous age. The advanced nations of the world are preparing for a final struggle to decide who is to dominate the world in future. They are devoting most of their resources to the development and production of more and more weapons of war. In fact thousands of bomber planes, battleships, submarines, rockets and missiles loaded with nuclear bombs ate waiting to let loose the demons of death and destruction. Any day the whole earth may explode to pieces. Any moment the whole human race may perish.

We are living under the shadow of death, Thousands of years ago, man lived in caves and jungles. His life was nit better than that of a wild beast. Hut he was not content to remain where he was. He had set his heart on better things. Nature was indifferent if not hostile. The difficulties were great. But nothing could stop him. He set out of a journey of discovery and His progress was painfully slow but it was certainly steady, gradually, he came out of his jungle arid his cave, lie built houses and Cities. He founded institution and communities.

Now when man his conquered the earth and its resources, he is face to face with complete destruction. Now when he has tamed nature and it powers, he is nearing his own death. Why is h going to fall in the very hour of his triumph? Only because he wants to enslave his own brother.

I am not exaggerating. If a world war starts, the human race will be extinct in a matter of hours and days. Even if a few persons survive they will have to go back to the caves and jungles where their ancestors lived thousands of years ago. Their life will not be better than that of wild beasts. The only alternative to this catastrophe is quick and complete disarmament, at least in the field of nuclear weapons.

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