The Mouse and the Lion - Story

The Mouse and the Lion

Short Story on "The Mouse and the Lion"

Once, a big lion was sleeping in the shade of a big tree. By chance a little mouse happened to come there. It saw the lion with a wondering eye. It climbed up its body and began to run over it. The lion woke up and gave a furious roar. He caught hold of the mouse in his paw and was about to kill it when it requested him to let it go, it would one day pay back for his favour. The lion let it go and told him scornfully that he could do nothing for a majestic lion like him. After some days the lion was caught in a trap. He gave a big roar. The mouse heard that roar, came there and, seeing the lion entrapped, at once began to gnaw the strings of the trap. It a short time the lion was free. Now he was ashamed of his previous remarks. He apologized the mouse for his folly. The mouse readily forgave him and they became fast friends.

Moral: Do not look down upon the poor and the weak.

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