The Place of Women in our Society - English Essay

The Place of Women in our Society

English Essay on "The Place of Women in our Society" - Composition on "The Place of Women in our Society"

Women play a great role in human progress and have an important place in society. They are not inferior to men. They are capable of sharing the responsibilities’ of life shoulder to shoulder Man and woman have been rightly compared to the carriage.

The main responsibility of a woman is to preserve the human race. For this she has to bear many hard ships. She gives birth to children feeds them and helps them grow up. It is quite true that great men have great mothers. The progress of a nation depends is upon the way the mothers bring up their children. If the women are educated the society is bound to progress and prosper.

Women have always played an important role in the development of a nation. In the early days of Islam, women worked side by side with men. In the battlefield they nursed the injured, kept up the supplies and, in certain cases, even fought bravely. They sang heroic Songs and raised the morale of the soldiers.

Women should be given proper education and training. They should know what life is and how it should be lived. Education women can do much to root out social evils and reform the society. A great majority of antisocial persons is the product of broken homes. Educated women can do a great service t the nation by the good management of their homes.

Some women, of course, would like to choose some profession as a career and earn for themselves. There are certain jobs which women can do more easily and efficiently than men. They can b very useful and successful as teachers, doctors and nurses. By nature they are polite and sympathetic and can do well in teaching and medical professions.

But the main duty of a woman is to be a good wife and a good mother. She is to look after the home and manage it to the best of her ability. She should not neglect’ her duties as a wife or mother. if she does so the society will go to dogs.

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