We Live in Deeds Not in Years - English Essay

We Live in Deeds Not in Years

English Essay on "We Live in Deeds Not in Years" - Composition on "We Live in Deeds Not in Years"

Men are mortal. Sooner or later they have to leave this world. Some die in old age, some in youth. Some persons do not achieve anything in a hundred years. Others make themselves immortal in a mere score of years. It does not matter how long one lives, what matters is the way one lives. A year’s active life is better than a hundred years idle existences.

If age alone were the measure of greatness, the young would have no place in the company of heroes. Rut it is not so. The worth of a person is established by what he does, and not by the number of years he has spent on this earth. When we remember a person, we remember him because he has done something brilliant, something great.educationsight.blogspot.com We honour and adore Quaid-i-Azam and lqbal because they gave us the Country we live in and not because they lived to the age of sixty or seventy years.

History of every nation proves that man lives in deeds, and not in years. We have no record of the persons who were blessed with long lives. But the persons who achieved something extraordinary, live in our history and literature, and we do not care whether they lived for a hundred years or thirty years. What is after all the use of a long life if it is like an empty vessel? If you do nothing for the good of your society, society will not bother to remember you even if you live for two hundred years.

Shakespeare is admired for his plays, not for his ripe old age. Marlowe and Keats and Shelley and so many others are remembered because they were great poets although they died young. Life is not growing like a tree life is struggling and achieving.

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