Letter : To your friend, describing your experience in the Exam Hall

Describing experience in the Exam Hall
Examination Hall,
August 20, 2014
My Dear
At last my examination is over. I am terribly tired and I really need a holiday. Before I go for a holiday, let me tell you some of my experiences in the examination hall.
I feel extremely nervous on the first day, when I was waiting outside with the other students for the doors to open. Most of them were talking and laughing. I felt so anxious that I could not speak to anyone. At last the doors were opened and we all crowded in and searched for our seats. We settled down in our places and waited anxiously for the papers.
When I got the English question paper, I felt I could not answer a single question. However, when I read the questions more carefully, I learnt that I could answer most of the questions. I did not have much difficulty with Physics and Chemistry. But Mathematics was difficult. The supervisors were very strict and so there was no chance for any mal-practice. One boy was caught for copying and was expelled.
Now that my examination is over, I am going for a holiday. I hope for a good result.
Yours sincerely,