Our National Ideology - English Essay

Our National Ideology

English Essay on "Our National Ideology" - Compositions on "Our National Ideology"

PAKISTAN is an ideological state. In this respect it is different from the other countries of the world. Various reasons account for the birth of various countries. A very special reason accounts for the existence of Pakistan.

When the British felt that they would have to leave the sub-continent; they conspired to make the Hindus its masters. educationsight.blogspot.com As the Muslims were to remain subjects as before, they demanded a separate homeland of their own. As their ablest spokesman, the Quaid-e-Azam said that the Muslims and the Hindus were two different nation with different cultures, civilizations and regions. Under his guidance, the Muslims fought for Pakistan and got it in 1947.

Pakistan is thus, first and foremost, an Islamic country. Islam is its ideological foundation stone. But this ideology makes certain claims on us. It demands that our constitution should be based on Islamic principles as derived from the Quran and the Hadith. All the laws and regulations should be made in the light of Islam. White the Government should enforce Islamic laws in general; it is the duty of every individual to live the life of a true Muslim.

Islamic ideology is different from all other ideologies of the world. It is based on certain eternal’ and universal principle. While the others are localized and insular in one way or another. As against other ideologies, Islam does not differentiate human beings from one another according to their race, color, property etc. The only distinction it makes is that between believers and non believer. But it teaches its followers to be tolerant towards the non-believers.

The establishment of Pakistan is a proof that Islamic ideology is still a living and dynamic force. This ideology can inspire the Muslims to great missions, since it remains highly practicable even after years. As far as Pakistan is concerned, Islamic ideology is the only guarantor of her progress and development in the world. We owe a duty to our national ideology. t is to preserve it with all our heart and soul. This can be done by introducing is to our younger generation. Students should be told about its significance and value. It should be safeguarded against foreign influences; if we receive foreign aid we should not accept foreign Views or ideologies with it. Flag must not follow aid. Above all, we should be sincere to it and always try to uphold it.

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