Letter : To your brother telling him of an accident which recently happened to you

Telling of an accident which recently happened
Examination Hall,
May 30, 2014
My Dear Father,
I thank you for your letter dated 22 March, 2014. Everything goes on smoothly here. Only yesterday a small accident happened, which I relate below—At about 6.30, I started for my school. In the way I noticed that a car was coming on some unusually fast speed and since we both were on our proper sides, I never cared much about it. Accidentally, a small girl came from a lane on my left and wanted to cross the road. She was quite ignorant of the approach of the car. When the driver of the car saw her, he in his attempt to save the girl moved the car towards me and by the time the car stopped, it struck me very heavily.
I had a narrow escape, but the front wheel of my cycle was broken. The owner of the driver, who was also in the car apologised. I was much moved by the gentlemanliness of the man and let him go. After this I hired a tonga, kept my cycle on it and went to the nearest cycle's repairer.
I had to have the wheel changed. I few minor repairs were also carried out. The cycle is again now in working order. I reached my school about two hours late that day.
Yours affectionately,

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