Story on The Bulls and the Tiger

The Bulls and the Tiger

Short Story on "The Bulls and the Tiger"

Once there lived in a forest, four strong bulls. They were good friends. This friendship and unity had made them stronger. All other animals and beasts living in that forest feared the four bulls. Even the tiger never tried to attack them, although, he wanted to eat them. When the tiger disclosed his wish to a fox, she assured him that after a few days, the tiger would be able to eat the bulls. After that, the cunning fox started working on her plan. One by one, she went to each bull and created enmity among them. She told each bull secretly that the other three bulls were against him. As a result, the bulls no longer remained good friends. Then the fox told the tiger to kill the bulls one by The tiger did so and attacked one of the bulls. The other three bulls did not help their friend. The next day, another bull was killed by the tiger. The other two bulls did not help him. The third bull was killed by the tiger on the third day. The last bull, then, realised that it was their unity which had always saved them from danger. It was too late, because the next day, ho also was killed by the tiger.
Moral. “Unity is strength.”

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