A Walk in the Moonlight - English Essay

A Walk in the Moonlight

English Essay on "A Walk in the Moonlight"

It is natural that man should love beauty, for beauty brings lasting happiness. If there were no beauty on this earth, it would have been a dull place. If there were no joy in human life, it would have been an unbearable burden. All of us wish to live a full and satisfying life. We wish to .enjoy the good thing of life—a bright red rose, a sweet melody, the glory of sunrise and the quiet magic of moonlight. These are sources of enduring joy. The moon is an enchantress. She fascinates the waters of the sea, and she captivates men. The soft and cool moonlight has strange power over the human heart. It inspires the imagination. It awakens the poet that lies asleep in the soul of every man. It lends beauty and charm to things which ‘appear ordinary under the strong light of the blazing sun.

As the moon rises in the sky, a powerful desire takes hold of you. As the moonlight falls on you, something stirs in your soul. Like a man under a spell, you rise and walk out of the house. The moon calls you and you cannot refuse, cannot resist. And before you are aware of it, you have reached the riverside. The dint and noise of the city have been left behind. You have forgotten your cares, your worries. Everything has gone into background. Everything has lost its reality. Only the moon is real. Only the magic of its rays is real. Only the rippling water of the river is real. The river now is no; a stretch’ of colourless water. It is a river of bright liquid silver. educationsight.blogspot.com The water flows softly, gently towards the horizon to meet the moon. A breath of air brings you the heady scent of red roses, You walk on, and presently you reach the wild rose bushes The flowers are before your eyes, and an abiding joy is in your heart, for the roses never looked so beautiful. Even that thorny cactus by the river has become a thing of beauty and grace. You stand there and your eyes linger on the landscape bathed in the beauty of the moonlight. Somewhere a bird flaps his wings. A sound of music comes to your ears. Someone is playing on his flute. Old memories awaken in your mind. Past toys and sorrows mingle with the present happiness.

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