Tit For Tat - Story

Tit For Tat

Short Story on "Tit For Tat"

Once there lived a jackal in a forest on the bank of a river. There were many fields of melons on the other side of the river. But the river was deep and wide. He did not dare enter ii. He went to a camel and asked him to carry him to the other side of the river. The camel agreed. At night the camel, with the jackal on his back, waded through the river. The jackal was very happy. He entered the melon fields and began to cat melons with relish. When he had eaten to his fill he began to howl. The camel asked him not to make a noise. But the jackal replied that it was his habit to howl after taking his meals.
On hearing the Jackal’s howl, the villagers came running towards the fields. The jackal ran away and hid himself in a hush. The villagers found the camel and with their sticks fell on him. The camel ran towards the river, but on the hank he collapsed. The villagers left him and went away. Now the jackal came out of his hiding and went to the camel.
After a long time, the camel felt strong enough to get up and cross the river. The jackal jumped onto his back. When they reached the deep water of the midstream, the camel stopped there. The jackal asked him what he was a her. The camel replied that a was his habit to take a bath after taking a severe heating. Saying this, he dived in the water. The jackal fell into the water and was drowned.

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