An Air Battle - English Essay

An Air Battle

English Essay on "An Air Battle"

It was the fourth day of the September 65 War. By now we had become used to the screaming noise of the aircraft. The Indian Jet bombers came frequently, circled over the town and left hurriedly it was seldom that they had the courage to drop their bombs, because the PAF fighters were always at hand to engage them. That day I had gone to the railway station to receive a friend. it was about eleven o’clock. The train had not come. I went to the station master’s office. He had a transistor by his side. We waited impatiently, At last it was time for the news broadcast. He switched on the radio. The news was exciting. PAF Jets had downed some fourteen Indian bombers that morning. We were happy. In the meantime, the train bad arrived. I welcomed my friend and told him the latest news.

As we came out of the station, we heard the roar of the aircraft. We looked up. Four planes had appeared in the sky. They had come from the eastern side. “Indian bombers”. I told my friend. Two of these dived Before they could unload their bombs, two other aircraft came roaring from the west. These were the PAF Sabres.

Suddenly the air was filled with the thud-thud of machine guns. The aircraft dived, climbed, turned and chased each other. The Indian planes came lower and lower. A PAF fighter followed as if it was glued to their tails. Suddenly the air was filled with the sound of bullets. One of the Indian planes burst into flames. The second bomber turned abruptly and headed east’ But the other PAF Sabre was chasing it like a blood hound. In a few seconds it was in flames and crashed to the ground. The other two Indian bombers had disappeared.

The sky was calm and silent as before. The fight had ended. Only clouds of smoke told the story of the battle. The people who had Seen the airtight shouted and clapped in joy and excitement. Then someone began to run towards the burning aircraft. MI of us followed. In half an hour we reached the place where the two Indian planes burned, a few furlongs apart from one another. The PAF marking on their tails were still visible. Broken and twisted pieces of metal were scattered all around. We took a few pieces as souvenirs and went borne. There we learned that the remaining two Indian planes had been shot down by ground fire, three miles a ways from the town. Our Air Force and Army had once again proved their superiority.

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