Life in a City - English Essay

Life in a City

English Essay on "Life in a City"

A big city is a product of civilization. It has all the facilities and comforts that civilization can provide. The life in a city is very different from the village life. It is busy, fast and restless. The people are always in a hurry. They are, most of the time, running after one thing or another. The city life has its pleasant and bright side. All the necessities and comfort of life are available to the city people. Everything is with in reach, provided one has the mosey. There are big shops, stores and super markets that sell everything, from a needle to a motor car.

Today’s city is a clean and pleasant place. It has proper sanitary arrangements. The heaps of refine and pools of dirty water that spread diseases and epidemics are speedily removed. Medical facilities are available to the people in a The government and the municipal committee run a number of dispensaries, hospitals and maternity homes. These have facilities for operations and blood transfusion. In addition to these, there are other clinics run by private practitioners and specialists.

In a city, people have better educational facilities. There are many schools, colleges and technical institutions for the population. It is natural that the city dwellers are better educated. They are more advanced and enlightened than the people living in villages. They are more prosperous for they are more educated and trained. There are better and greater opportunities of employment. There are government offices, private companies and factories in a city. The educated people, particularly the skilled workers and the technicians are in great demand.

A city offers many kinds of recreation and amusement. The cultural, literary and sports activities are carried on throughout the year. But the city life is not all comfort and blessing. Most cities have their is plague spots. Slums exist side by side with civil lines. Every city dweller is not a rich man. Most of the educational, medical and recreational facilities are out of his reach. He cannot send his children to any school or college he likes. He cannot afford to call in a specialist to attend his sick family. Money is important everywhere, hut in a city it becomes still more important. Most people are so busy that they have no time or sympathy for their neighbours.


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