Life of a Mill Worker - English Essay

Life of a Mill Worker

English Essay, Composition on "Life of a Mill Worker"

A typical mm worker is uneducated and unskilled. He works weight hours a ouy and earns very little as compared to his needs. His work is hard end tiring. It is almost evening when he returns home. His house consists of a single small room and a tiny yard. He has hardly any furniture. He has a few utensils. Two or three cots, one or two earthen cooking pots, a few old cups and some metal plates and glasses are that entire he has. His family includes a wife and half a dozen small children. Now think of his small wages and various He can hardly feed his family. Meat, fruit, eggs and milk, he cannot afford. Brown bread, pulses and vegetables, cooked in water or sometimes in edible oil are what his family lives on. After paying for the house and food, he has only a few rupees to buy all other things he needs. In summer, one can live without clothes. At least the poor can. But in winter his children need some sort of clothing. Sometime hack he could buy secondhand clothes at a reasonable price. But not now, for the middle class has taken fancy to that stuff and, of course, they can pay comparatively more.

It is clear that his wages cannot support his family. So his wife has to work as a house-hold servant and earn a few rupees to supplement his income. If be needs more money, which he always does, he borrows it whenever he can. But debts do not add to income, for they are to be paid back. How will he return what he borrows? He does not return. The money lender catches him on the pay-day and forcibly recovers his money.

This is how a mill worker lives. His is a life of poverty, grief and sickness. There is nothing to relieve him of his misery ; not even the thought that his children will have a better life. He cannot do anything for his children. No doubt, education upto middle stage is free, but who will buy books and stationery for them? We know that government has enacted legislation for the welfare of workers. Perhaps, Some day he will get a fair day’s wages for a fair day’s work.

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