Leisure - English Essay


English Essay on "Leisure" - Compositions on "Leisure"

Man is a barn worker. He has to battle against the forces of Nature to make his life on this earth less fatiguing. If he lives under difficult climatic conditions and adverse circumstances, he works hard to overcome them. He is capable of exerting himself to any length. But he cannot work continuously for an indefinite period. He needs rest to soothes and comfort his tired nerves.

At the end of a day’s work, we need some time to refresh the mind and the body. We want to engage ourselves in some light and interesting pursuit. While choosing a job for our leisure we should select one different from our usual work. It is essential to give proper exercise to all the parts of our body and mind. A manual worker should do such a work during his leister that entertains the mind. educationsight.blogspot.com Likewise the persons who do brain work should spend their leisure in pastimes that give exercise to their bodies. A balance between the mental and the physical labor is to be kept. Mental or physical diversions from the work are essential for health and happiness.

We should never remain idle. After finishing our day’s work, we must engage ourselves; in one or the other hobby. An idle brain with always think of mischief Moreover, idleness is harmful to us. It makes us lazy. Night affords ample rest. Too much of sleep and rest disturb the normal function of body. Games are a suitable pastime. They refresh and give exercise to our body and mind. The excitement of the games makes us forget the care and worries of life. They give exercise to our limbs. They do not ignore the mind also. They also train us how to work as a team.

We can entertain ourselves with various hobbies, as stamp I collecting, photography, gardening, and even walking in the open. Everyone should choose a hobby that suits his profession. The brain worker should give exercise to his body and the manual worker to his mind. Leisure is to be usefully employed to recreate oneself. The pastime that one adopts should aim at this. But over indulgence is to be avoided, Leisure should provide recreation and diversion to the body and the mind.

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