Life is Struggle - English Essay

Life is Struggle

English Essay on "Life is Struggle" - Composition on "Life is Struggle"

Struggle is the first principle of life and its evolution to higher and higher forms. It is the very essence of fruitful and successful life. What is life if it has no movement and no progress? In fact life devoid of struggle is no better than death, Struggle is the secret of Man’s progress. We know that only a few thousand years ago man lived in jungles and caves His life was not much different and better than that of a beast. But fortunately he was not satisfied with his condition, and not content to remain where he was. He had some force in him which urged him to move forward. He had the we progress. Although the difficulties were very great yet he struggled against his environments. He used his hands, he used his senses and above all he used his brain.

After a long and painful struggle he came out of his jungles and caves. His progress was, no doubt, slow but it was steady. He discovered how to till the land, sow the seed and reap the harvest. He invented tools and He built houses, villages and cities. He founded great institution. It was through hard work and unending struggle that man reached the stage where he is rightly called the lord of creation. And it is through hard work and struggle that he will reach still higher levels of evolution.

No one can deny the fact that the fruits of this world are only for those who work and work hard. Those who move, reach their destination. Those who stand and stare are left behind. Those who strive, achieve. Those who do not work, get no profit. The idlers do not deserve and they do not get.

This world is not a pleasure resort and we are not here on a pleasure trip. Here we have to make our place by our own efforts if we wish to survive at all. Here we have to rely on our own strength and resources if we desire to be happy and satisfied.

Struggle is equally important aid essential for the welfare and progress of nations. Why some nations are on the top of the world while some others are finding it difficult even to stay at the bottom? The answer is simple those who struggle, rise and those who do not, fall.

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