My Favourite Hobby - English Essay

My Favourite Hobby

English Essay on "My Favourite Hobby" - Composition on "My Favourite Hobby"

Leisure pursuit can be almost anything a person like to do in his spare time. Because the “Idle Mind is Devil’s workshop” therefore those who have developed a hobby never need to worry about what to do with their newly founded leisure hours.

Every person in the world has a hobby of his own. There are many kinds of hobbies such as gardening, stamp collecting, hiking, coin collecting, photography, listening to music and so forth. Girls to pursue some Their hobbies differ from those of the boys. Girls mostly like hobbies such as cooking, stitching dresses, painting and listening to music.

Among all the hobbies mentioned above I like painting. It is a subtle hobby. Whenever I get time I sit down with my paint box, canvas, brushes and paint beautiful landscape. My hobby does not infringe on the rights of other people. It is not a noisy hobby like music. I can also earn money by selling my paintings to lover of fine arts. My hobby fills my heart with joy and colours and there it is my favourite hobby. Sir Wilham Osler said: “No man is really happy or safe without a hobby.”

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