War and its Causes - English Essay

War and its Causes

English Essay on "War and its Causes" - Composition on "War and its Causes"

War is the most horrible, the most cruel activity of man. It is nothing but mass murder. The evolution of human society towards a better state has always been checked by wars. Think of all the money and human effort that are devoted to the invention of the deadly weapons of war, and you will understand the fatal blow that war deals to the progress of man.

Some people say that man is a savage, and he must shed blood to satisfy his blood thirsty nature, Is it really so? War is no more natural than murder or cannibalism, If murder and cannibalism are evils, war, too, is an evil.educationsight.blogspot.com Human nature is so lender that there is no reason why we should not rid ourselves of war. It is not a law of human nature. It exists because some people wish it to exist.

Wars have been fought for a lot of reasons. In the past, many wars were fought for the sake of glory and victory. Vanity and thirst for power in the rulers always led them to war and destruction. Ideological or religious, differences have also caused many wars. In our day, highly industrialized countries need foreign markets, and to get them, they start a war. Another important cause of war is the influence of same powerful groups of people who stand to gain in time of war, Manufacturers of armaments force their governments to follow polices favorable to their interests.

But sometimes, a nation is forced to take up arms in self defense. So long as powerful nations do not quit their colonies wars of liberation will continue. The only alternative is a world society in which interests do not clash, and if they clash, they are resolved through negotiations arid other peaceful means. This may appear very difficult but it is not possible. Man has fought against terrible circumstances and has overcome them all and war too, will be abolished when man wills so.

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