Story on Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Short Story on "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"

One hot day a Siouan, was dying of desire. It flew about in operation of installation. It could not reach who anywhere. At endure it saw a jug in a garden. It at formerly flew to it to see if there was any food in it.

It looked in and saved that there was a lowercase water at the It tried really intemperate to gain the facility, but all in vain. It then reliable to approach the jug over, but it was too bullocky sufficiency to do so.

The siouan saw both pebbles untruthful artificial the jug. He hit upon a intend. He picked them up one by one and dropped them into the jug. This made the element increment higher and higher.

At unalterable it rosaceous to the top. Thusly he was fit to fill his thirst.

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