If I Were a Minister For Education - English Essay

If I Were a Minister For Education

English Essay on "If I Were a Minister For Education" - Composition on "If I Were a Minister For Education"

Of course one cannot realize all one’s wishes, yet one cm at least imagine how one’s desires could be fulfilled. So if I were to become the minister for education, I have a pretty good idea what I would do. For one thing, I would thoroughly overhaul the existing educational system and bring about a wholesale change in it.

First let me tell you about the educational policy I would adopt. My policy would be to achieve well-defined objectives with the help of certain guiding principles To begin with, my Endeavour would be to bring the system of education exactly in line with our national ideology. If Pakistan was attained in the name of Islam, their her educational system should be built on Islamic lines. I do not say that the present system is totally un Islamic; I only maintain that it could be made more Islamic. Secondly, I believe that the purpose of education is not to produce men whose minds have been mechanically crammed with dull facts, but men who are worthy of being called human beings. This means laying emphasis on the moral aspect of education.educationsight.blogspot.com A student should be able, not only to get a job, but also to live as a useful member of society. Thirdly, I would, as a matter of policy, stress the need for wider technical education. Fourthly, it would be my persistent effort to rely more and more on our national languages as media of instruction and less and less on foreign languages. Lastly, I would see to it that the qualitative’ aspect receives greater importance in education than the quantitative’, i.e. a few students who are better, than many who are worse.

Here are some of the practical measure I would take in implementing my policy. First of all, I would order a complete scrutiny, from Islamic and the scientific point of view, of the syllabi of all classes. In this connection, would seek expert advice, and also certainly ask for the public opinion. Having done this, I would take the necessary steps to popularize education in villages. I know it is a difficult job. So I have thought out certain means to accomplish this. In the first place, I would offer handsome pay and other facilities to those teachers who would be willing to work in villages. Further, I would encourage the use of modern means of communication, e.g. radio and cinema, in order to serve this purpose.

As against villages, the problem in cities is bow to accommodate the large number of students in a small number of institutions. This problem could be solved, partly, by introducing double-shift system in schools and colleges. Another requirement is to bring the taught knowledge up to date, to which special care would be paid. More stipends and scholarships, both at lower and higher levels, would be given.

Now it is quite heartening to listen to such utopian talk. But how to finance these great projects? Once again the task is difficult but not impossible. The government can be asked to spend a little more on education. We can appeal to the rich and the generous to play their part in this respect. A good method can be to levy, a special Education Tax with progressive rates, the major portion of which will be borne by the industrialists and other rich persons of the country.

To sum up, my aim as the minister for education would be to so reorient the educational system as to make its product i.e. the students—the most useful members of society. My attempt would be to enable them to become good students, good citizens, and good servants of humanity and their religion. To this end I would direct all my energies and devote all my efforts.

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